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WHAT IS MONITOR AND ITS TYPES I computerjankariwale.blogspot.com


                                               WHAT IS MONITOR

A monitor is an output device without which the computer is considered incomplete. It is a type of TV-set, which displays the results of the computer on the screen. Without a monitor, we cannot do any work on the computer. Whether it is to prepare a document, watch a film, prepare a graphics design, etc. Monitor is a major role in computer related work.

There are many types of Computer Monitor, first the monitor used to be Black & White. Later it was made better by using many types of changes and new technology. In the present time, science has made so much progress that even the monitor display can be kept folded.
                                                                                      A monitor usually includes display devices, circuits, casings, and power supplies. In the modern era, the display device in a monitor is usually a thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD), whereas (CRT) cathode-ray-tubes were used in older monitors.

1.CRT Monitor
2.LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
3.LED (Light Emitting Diode)

The CRT monitor has an electron gun that emits the Beam and Cathode Rays of the electrons.The electron beam is passed through the electronic grid to reduce the electron speed so that phosphorus is coded on the screen of the CRT monitor. Therefore, as soon as the electronic beam screen collides, the Pixel starts glowing and the display is displayed on the monitor screen.

A computer monitor is a device that if you are not attached to your computer, then you cannot use the computer because you will not see anything there, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) display of the computer monitor. It is very thin and it is made of thin film transistor liquid crystal display. Liquid Crystal Display is also known as LCD. It is Digital Technology which makes shape through liquid crystal on a flat surface. It takes less space. Is it consumes less power

Currently, LED (Light Emitting Diode) is being used in place of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), it looks exactly like LCD Monitor but LED uses power of 1.5 watts and very little emphasis on eyes. LED monitors work longer than LCDs. LED is also called a light emitting diode. It is a semiconductor device that emits or emits light. LED has been a very important invention. It is used in very large quantities. Being done by people

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